Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil stand up comedy

Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil stand up comedy act - 25 Nov 2015

Kang Emil (call Ridwan Kamil) National Singles Father, because the mayor of the most concerned about the fate of the singles,
to create Singles Park in Bandung.

In Bandung 2.7 million inhabitants, 60% under 40 years old. And is representative of the population in Indonesia.
And statistically that it was 40 years old on average the status of "Single" or "Jomblo".

"But it is the fate Jomblo, if Single option"

If I told you not denounced jomblo, but singles.

Everything will be fine in time. Aamiin.

Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
My name Ridwan Kamil, I was mayor of a State A Happy. Bandung's happiness index is now 70%.
That means residents of Bandung is the happiest residents in Indonesia.

The city is very romantic, each romantic automatic misting, mojangnya gareulis (the pretty girl).
until there is a poem that says
Bandung was created when God was smiling, keep someone asks
If the Lord be angry, then created Jakarta.
But God is ignored, then created Banten

Poetry Soekarno
"I was back to Bandung, the true love", but if I were another
Poetry Ridwan Kamil
"I was back to Bandung, the former real-exes"

Poster to achieve Adipura
"Dispose of waste in place, get rid of the former on his"

Meaning the former based encyclopedia is an alumni hearts
Because alumni of the liver, is dangerous because it often invites reunion

Berakit-raft upstream, swim later
Ex had to the prince, why are you still alone

Thank you


Kang Emil (panggilan Ridwan Kamil) Bapak Jomblo Nasional, karena walikota yang paling peduli nasib para jomblo,
sampai buat Taman Jomblo di Bandung.

Di Bandung itu penduduknya 2.7 juta, 60% berumur dibawah 40 tahun. Dan ini mewakili populasi di Indonesia.
Dan secara statistik bahwa berumur 40 tahun itu rata-rata statusnya "Single" atau "Jomblo".

"Tetapi Jomblo itu nasib, kalau Single pilihan"

Jika dicela orang bilangnya saya bukan jomblo, tapi single.

Semua indah pada waktunya. Aamiin.

Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Nama Saya Ridwan Kamil, Saya Walikota dari sebuah Negeri Yang Bahagia. Index kebahagiaan Kota Bandung itu sekarang 70%.
Itu artinya warga Bandung adalah warga paling bahagia di Indonesia.

Kotanya sangat romantis, tiap gerimis otomatis romantis,
mojangnya gareulis (gadisnya cantik-cantik) sampai ada puisi yang mengatakan
Bandung diciptakan saat Tuhan sedang tersenyum, terus ada yang bertanya
Jika Tuhan marah, maka tercipta Jakarta. Tapi Tuhan cuek, maka tercipta Banten

Puisi Soekarno
"Ke Bandung lah aku kembali, kepada cintaku yang sesungguhnya", Tapi kalau saya lain
Puisi Ridwan Kamil
"Ke Bandung lah aku kembali, kepada mantan-mantanku yang sesungguhnya"

Poster untuk meraih Piala Adipura
"Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya, buanglah mantan pada temannya"

Arti mantan berdasarkan ensiklopedia adalah alumni hati
Karena alumni hati, berbahaya karena sering mengajak reuni

Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang kemudian
Mantanmu sudah ke penghulu, kenapa kamu masih sendirian


Ten Seriously Cute Babies Who Look Exactly Like Emojis

Ten Seriously Cute Babies Who Look Exactly Like Emojis

The feelings which babies express on their little faces are always much easier to read than on adults — they’re still at that stage of life where everything is about expressing their emotions to get what they want, rather than keeping them hidden away.

And it’s just so cute to look at — to the point where, it seems, even the artists who design emojis have taken inspiration from the little guys.

Here are ten seriously cute babies who look hilariously similar to emojis.

You mean...I WASN’T meant to draw on the walls?

Now you’ve really annoyed me!!!

The baby who has the best knock-knock jokes.

Mommy, you’re sooo sweet!

He is way, way to cool for school!

This guy clearly tells great jokes...

Whereas this baby has had a rough day.

This little princess loves giving kisses.

...It wasn’t me. Definitely not.

Really cute!